You Are Going To Leave a Legacy…Whether You Plan to or Not

Several years ago I heard the title of this article (You Are Going to Leave a Legacy…Whether You Plan to or Not) at a conference. It was one of those brief moments when I had heard something, it sounded right, so I paid little heed to it and moved on. But later, as I reviewed my notes, I started to see something powerful in the thought…I am going to leave a legacy and I can choose what they legacy will be… As I have pondered on the reality and power of this concept and idea it has become more than something that “sounds right”, this is a transformative topic. Throughout history and probably in your own life we see evidence of our desire to leave a lasting positive memory- make a difference.

Often as one ages, that desire to leave a positive mark in society increases. It is often unfortunate that focus and wisdom on this topic come at such a late stage in life, almost (and indeed often) too late. The story is told of an elderly gentleman that lay in his bed nearing the end of his life and lamenting with sorrow a realization that he had spent his life with the wrong focus. He explains to his loved ones that he set out to change the world- but alas the ambition proved too much and he had not achieved that dream. Then, in a moment of clarity, he realizes that if he would have focused on making changes and progress in his personal  life, he could have affected and changed his family, which in turn could have changed and affected his neighborhood, then his community, state and country.

Ultimately, he would have been able to change the world. If we can see our legacy in this regard it will become more clear and attainable. Each of us has the ability to change the world by making little changes within our own lives. It has been said many times that nobody at the end of their life proclaims “if only I had spent more time at the office”. What do you want your legacy to be? Do you have that vision? Start today by following these three simple steps. First, identify what it is you truly value. Next, record those discoveries. And finally, share what you truly value with those you love. In short create your own I.R.S. legacy (Identify, Record, and Share). You will be remembered for what you do today- what will you be remembered for? Choose your legacy.