You Are Somebody…Do Something – An excerpt from my Free eBook – 13 Life Lessons

This post is an excerpt from my free eBook. You can get the rest of the book by clicking here.

Quote 5 (3)

I Always Wondered Why Somebody Didn’t Do Something About That, Then I Realized I Was Somebody.

There are too many people that sit back and provide observations on the world. They watch television acting as arm chair commentators on the news, the state of society and politics. They take to newspaper op eds, comment on blogs or stand on their Facebook or Twitter soapbox to give their opinion of how things should be. Very few do more than comment and complain.

But occasionally there are those who recognize they are “somebody” and they can do something. Like Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus who is credited with creating the microfinance loan revolution. His idea, give smaller low interest loans to groups of individuals in the poorest places in the world, was the beginning of the rise in emerging nations. He gave people the small boost they needed to start ventures and escape the struggles poverty.

Muhammad Yunus is just one person, with an idea, that changed the world. You have that ability. You can be somebody with an idea that makes a difference. You can do something.

Question: What project or goal are you working on right now? Leave your comments below or by clicking here

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George Strait, Jack Nicklaus and Warren Buffett- How They Do It


Now, there are three names that you do not normally see together. When I sat down to write this post I wanted to talk about a group of people that were very different but also successful. It is easy to see the differences in this group, a country singer, a professional golfer and a business titan, but if we take a closer look, all three did the same things to reach the pinnacle of their success. They focused. Or as Rich Dad, Poor Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki teaches Follow One Course Until Success. Let’s take a look at each of our examples.

George Strait– known as “the King of Country”. George has 60 number-one hits, giving him more number one songs than any other artist. He is also one of the best selling artist of all time with over 100 Million records sold.  George is the only artist in history to have a top ten hit every year for 30 years. In the music industry there are very few artists that can compare to the popularity and success of George Strait. But he was not an overnight success. He entered the music scene in high school when he started a rock and roll garage band playing Beatles covers. He spent 4 years in the United States Army and performed in a US Army sponsored band. After his 4 year tour with the army he entered college and received a degree in agriculture. During his college years he played in honky-tonks and bars at night while managing his family’s Texas based cattle ranch during the day. It wasn’t until 10 years after enrolling in the US Army that he signed his first recording contract and released his first single. What does it take to amass the records and awards he has received? He consistently worked to improve his skill in a steady manner. He focused.

Jack Nicklaus– Jack is often referred to as the most accomplished golfer of all time. In his 25 year career he won a total of 18 major championships. He also finished second or third place another 27 times. What that equates to is 45% of the time during his career he finished in the top three. What a tremendous record. How did he do it? He focused on major championships (The Master’s Tournament, the US Open, The Open Championship and the PGA Championship). He prepared himself to win majors and was selective in his participation in non-major events. He was busy working with coaches and hitting countless balls at the range. He consistently worked to improve his skill in a steady manner. He focused.

Warren Buffett– Warren is widely considered the most successful investor of the 20th century, starting his own investment fund in 1956. In less than six years he became a millionaire and would later hold the title of “World’s Richest Man”. His investment style has not changed in over 60 years of practice. He is a value investor, buying securities that appear significantly undervalued based on an analysis of their fundamentals. He has been consistent in his strategy even when he faced criticism for missing opportunities that many considered easy decisions. The most famous example is Warren’s decision not to participate in technology investments because he did not understand the underlying company (i.e. though being personal friends with Bill Gates, Warren missed Microsoft’s major market move in the late 90’s). Today he is the world’s third wealthiest Billionaire because he consistently worked to improve his skill in a steady manner. He focused.

The one trait that these 3 very successful industry leaders have is they focus. They found their niche and passion and they worked tirelessly to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to set them apart and give them a competitive edge. Have you found your passion? Are you working without distraction towards completion? If you consistently work to improve your skill in a steady manner, in other words “focus”, you can achieve high level success in your industry.

Question: Do you have an example of following one course until success (focus)? Leave your comments below or by clicking here.

If you enjoyed reading this post please share with your friends. You can read more, including my newest eBook “13 Life Lessons” by signing up here.

The Time is Now

This is the second time in as many weeks that I have been inspired by a Jimmy Buffett song. I am a huge fan of his lyrics and, while listening, I philosophically analyze them. Today the song is “Breathe in. Breathe Out. Move on”.

 Breath InBreathe Out (3)

It appeared on his 2006 album “Take the Weather With You.” The song was written by Buffett for the victims of Hurricane Katrina that hit the gulf coast and most notably New Orleans. The lyrics are powerful and apply not just to those recovering from a hurricane but for all of us in life that encounter obstacles and challenges.

That’s all of us right?

The relevant lyrics are: “I bought a cheap watch from the crazy man floating down canal. It doesn’t use numbers or moving hands it always just say “now.” Now you may be thinking that I was had, but this watch is never wrong. And if I have trouble the warranty said “breathe in, breathe out, move on.”

I want to get a “Now” watch to remind me that my time is now. No matter the obstacles and challenges that I face there will never be a better time than now to begin, to continue, to persevere and to triumph.

Have you ever found yourself playing the “when….then” game? This is where you have a great idea or a goal or passion that you want to pursue but you rationalize a start date later in the future because the time just isn’t right….now. You find yourself thinking I will write that book this summer when we finish the remodel or I will file my articles of incorporation after the holidays. This is how New Year’s resolutions got so popular, folks wanted a starting point for changes in their life but wanted to wait until the holidays were over so they could focus.

Why are New Year’s resolutions forgotten so quickly after the New Year? The timing is never right. We get busy, distracted and fall into complacency. It is almost as if we need a New Year’s day every 2 weeks to keep us focused.

You will always be able to find excuses for why “now” isn’t the time to start your big endeavor, why tomorrow would be better to quit smoking, start your business or start saving for college/retirement. That is why I want to buy a “Now” watch for that daily reminder, the time is NOW.

Remember, as Buffett continued, “this watch is never wrong.” But, “if you have trouble”, and you will, “breathe in, breathe out [and] move on”. Making change is not easy. Most worthwhile things come after dedicated and concerted effort. Do not quit or make excuses or shy away from your dream.

According to my watch the time is now, the past is dead and gone… Recommit and refocus, your dream is worth fighting for. Thank you Jimmy.

Question: Do you have a daily reminder to stay committed and keep your dream alive? Leave your comment below of click here.

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Stop Asking Permission – An excerpt from my Free eBook – 13 Life Lessons

This post is an excerpt from my free eBook. You can get the rest of the book by clicking here.

Quote #4 (1)

We have all heard the saying that “it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission”. To become great you have to take risks and do things others are unwilling to do. When Jeff Bezos started his online bookstore, Amazon, most told him he was crazy, “that will never work.” Walt Disney had similar experiences. Every great entrepreneur and leader has had to make decisions that were questioned. What made them successful was knowing when to adjust, adapt, expand and eliminate, blocking out the naysayers.

When I first started my business, I shared my ideas with a few close friends. The typical response was “why”? I have a secure job that provides a nice life for my family. I take vacation time and can watch television or go out with friends. Starting a business took money and time and made it so that I wasn’t able to do as much. This is often the case when starting new endeavors. Your excitement causes those closest to you to reflect on their lives. They may feel threatened or jealous and subconsciously try to drag you down.

When you feel something strongly and have committed yourself, you have the permission to go after it. To do something great you must follow your heart- give yourself permission to be great.

Question: What project or goal are you working on right now? Leave your comments below or by clicking here

To read the rest of this free eBook click here or enter your email in the box above. If you like this post please share with your friends.

Ahhhhh- Stress!!!! How Do You Overcome It?

Wow! Life can be very stressful. Sometimes I sit and think about all the things I have going on and wonder how (and if) I will ever be able to accomplish it all. Like…. a full time job as a Director of Development that takes a lot of time each day raising over $2M, three kids under age 9 and this new endeavor as a content creator.


Each role has its ebbs and flows of stress. Depending on the day I may be planning a special event or trying not to miss a gymnastics meet or editing a post before the deadline. Obviously organization has been very helpful in keeping each of the plates spinning and letting nothing drop. But, even with my many lists and time management tools I still have experiences where I miss something important and experience a surge of stress.

A few weeks ago my 5 year old was having her very first gymnastics meet. She was sooo excited and practiced all day everyday showing anyone who will pay attention her back bends and cartwheels and whatever else she can do. I was excited for her and couldn’t wait to see her perform.

I want to go to everything my kids are involved in. I want them to know that nothing is more important than they are.

Now, back to the gymnastics story… I had a bunch going on that day at work but made sure I scheduled everything perfectly so I would be finished and back in time. As the hour approached I hopped in the car and took off at an excessive speed trying to make it. The entire drive I was one big stress case. I feared whether I would make it and it stressed me to no end.

Stress happens.

What can we do to minimize or overcome stress when situations beyond our control occur?

1- Honesty- Stress can be created by our concern of what the other person may say or feel. Being honest can reduce stress. Being prepared with their phone number and making a call early is respected and can build your reputation as conscientious and professional

2- Deep breath and stretching- In my office I have one of those office chairs with the switch that allows it to rock back. When I feel the pressure start to build I unlock the switch, hook my hands behind my head, close my eyes, lean back and take some deep breaths. It doesn’t take a lot of time, maybe 5 seconds, but stops the stress before it can even begin.

3- Walk around the block- In stressful situations I need a few minutes alone- away from any people. When stress gets too high, I stand up and take a walk down the street. Just removing myself from the situation coupled with physical activity reduces stress.

4- Jam the tunes- I spend a lot of time lately listening to audiobooks and podcasts. I love the education and motivation they offer. However, when I feel the stress coming on, I kick on the tunes, a few of my favorites with a peppy swift beat and I turn the volume up LOUD. A few of my favorites include “Tonight” by OAR and “Knee Deep” by Zac Brown Band.

5- Get a bite to eat- I have noticed that for me, I tend to get most stressed when I am focused on a project, work uninterrupted for a few hours and do not get a snack or drink of water. As my blood sugar or nutrient levels dip so does my ability to handle stressful situations. When I notice the effect coming on I stop and grab a handful of nuts or a big drink of cold water.

6- Watch something “incredible” or “hilarious” or “incredibly hilarious” on YouTube- If you are like me, you have no shortage of friends emailing you clips from YouTube that are “must views”. Most of the time I do not have/take the time to view them. But, when I find my stress level creeping too high I take a minute and pull one or two of them up and have a chuckle. One of my current favorites is “Dude Perfect” and their amazing trick shots. You can’t help get excited and motivated when you see their excitement.

7- Popcorn and a movie- I do not watch a lot of television and I don’t have a favorite current show. Most of what I watch is a few years dated when it appears on Netflix. When I have had a particularly tough day I pop a bowl of popcorn and throw something on. For me, I have found it important to NOT watch sports when I am trying to alleviate stress. I can watch 2 teams I do not like, playing a sport I’m not particularly interested in, between kids half my age and within 2 minutes I can be passionately for one side and against the other. I’m even crushed when “my team” doesn’t win. I love sports and any sport is amazing and enjoyable to watch, I just don’t watch to alleviate stress.

8- Anything with my wife and kids- Cheesy, I know. Nothing puts smile on my face faster or elevates my stress better than seeing my kids or talking with my wife.

Well, I didn’t make the gymnastics meet on time. I ran in the door just as my daughter’s team was exciting to applause. I sat with my other kids and watched the other teams perform. After the meet my gymnast daughter ran up and gave me a hug. She was so excited, had so much fun and even though I missed her show she was thrilled I came and loved recapping the pictures mom had taken. Stressful? Yes. Life ruining? Hardly.

Question: How do you handle stress in your life? Leave your comments below or by clicking here.

If you haven’t read my new eBook 13 Life Lessons you can get a copy free by clicking here.

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Who is Your Hero? Let’s ask Matthew McConaughey

Today I listened to Matthew McConaughey’s acceptance speech from the 2014 Oscars. He won Best Actor for his role in Dallas Buyers Club. After thanking all the important people in his life, his wife, kids, parents etc., he thanked his hero.

Superhero kids1

If you didn’t see the Oscars you might wonder “who is this hero”?

McConaughey goes on to tell a story. When he was 15 a respected mentor asked him who he admired, “Who is your hero”? Recognizing this as an important question young McConaughey requests a couple of weeks to think about it. Two weeks later his mentor asks again “who is your hero”? This time he had an answer,

“It’s me in 10 years.”

Ten years later, now age 25, the same mentor approaches him again and asks “So, are you a hero”? McConaughey’s response was perfect, “not even close! No, no no.” She asked “why”? “Because my hero is me at 35… every day, every week, every month and every year of my life, my hero’s always 10 years away. I’m never gonna be my hero. I’m not gonna attain that; I know I’m not. And that’s just fine with me, because that keeps me with somebody to keep on chasin’.”

Superhero kids2

Who is your hero?

Do you have a vision of your future self that you daily seek to become? Goal setting is an important part to becoming your “hero self”. Goals should be set just a little beyond your reach; far enough that they are challenging to attain but reasonable enough to keep you focused and pursuing completion.

When setting goals I recommend looking into the future 5 years and asking yourself “what needs to happen in the next 5 years for me to become the person I want to become?” Once you have that target in mind, break those long term goals into yearly goals. “What needs to happen in the next year for me to be on track to hit my 5 year objective? Then break them down further into quarterly, monthly and weekly objectives. Finally you get down to the level where you can wake up every morning and motivate yourself to do that 1 thing that will put you on track towards fulfilling your 5 year vision.

When setting goals I recommend following the SMART formula:

S- Specific- Make sure you specify exactly what you are going to achieve. Waking up early might seem like a good goal but “wake up at 5:15am” makes it specific.

M- Measurable- Make sure that each goal you set has a measurable outcome. I think “being happy” is a good life philosophy but to make it measureable try something like “give my spouse 5 (sincere) compliments today”.

A- Achievable- I’d really like to play in the NHL next season but setting that as a goal might not be realistic. A better step is to set incremental achievable outcomes “score 3 goals this season on my recreational hockey team”.

R- Relevant- If your 5 year achievement is to finish writing your first book, setting a goal to run 10 miles a week might not be the most relevant course of action. Registering for a creative writing class at the community college, however, might be.

T- Timely- Set a time frame. You can write great SMAR goals but if you don’t give yourself a deadline to shoot for, procrastination will keep you from finishing.

My hero is me in 5 years. I really look up to that guy. He has it pretty put together. I think I can become that guy if I put my mind to it and work towards my goals. My SMART goals.

Goal #1: Record and publish 17 30-minute podcast episodes for Family Before Fortune by December 31st, 2014
S- 30-minute podcast episodes – Specific check
M- 17 – Measurable check
A- 1 a week starting September 4th – Achievable check
R- In 5 years I want Family Before Fortune to be a well-known brand, podcasting will help – Relevant check
T- by December 31st, 2014 – Timely check

Question: What SMART goal will help you become your hero? Leave your comments below or by clicking here.

If you haven’t read my new eBook 13 Life Lessons you can get a copy free by clicking here.

Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOM/

Scarcity or Abundance

Do you have a mindset of scarcity or one of abundance?

A mindset of scarcity believes that resources, ideas and opportunities are limited; that a finite number of people that can be successful in any endeavor and once a ship has sailed, bon voyage.

A mindset of abundance believes that ideas and opportunities are limitless, or that the limit is so large that for all intents and purposes it is limitless.

So which do you have?

In certain circumstances, particularly natural resources, there may be limits and it is prudent for us a people to pay attention and use our resources wisely; but in most areas, especially the areas of ideas and opportunities I subscribe to abundance thinking.

No one is you. You are unique and come with your own set of experiences and background, giving you a distinctive voice and perspective, a new and different way to approach and solve each problem you face.

Recently, podcaster John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneur on Fire was named 2013 Best in Itunes for his daily podcast. His idea, start a podcast interviewing experts in social media. Not a terribly unique idea. In fact it is one of the most crowed spaces in podcasting with some very established big names and experts already doing virtually the same thing. Had John Lee subscribed to the scarcity mindset he would have thrown out his idea and looked for something else.


But, John Lee believes in abundance and took his unique approach, a daily release podcast, and became hugely successful surpassing the same established experts that could have discouraged him from starting.


Ideas and opportunities are not scarce; motivation and commitment are. Almost everyone who has taken a shower has had an idea, but how many act on those inspirations? Very few. People give every excuse in the book of why they cannot and do not pursue their ideas: too busy, lack of funds, too much competition, too lazy et cetera. They see the ship as having already left. It has not.

Here are 4 steps to catching that ship before it disappears over the horizon:

1. Set aside time– What are you willing to sacrifice to make your dream a reality? Can you do without a little sleep? How about reducing your television time or staying a few minutes longer at the office? If you cannot find time to go after your passion you don’t want it bad enough. There are countless success stories of people who worked 2 jobs and found time to chase their dream. Schedule and commit to working. Lack of time is a scarcity mindset.


2. Commit– as Thomas Edison famously said, “opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. Anything worthwhile is going to take commitment and sacrifice, dedication and intention. Commitment is an abundance mindset.


3. Don’t fear failure– Do not let fear get in the way of a great opportunity. It may be as simple as asking yourself “what is the worst thing that could happen”. I mean really happen. Often when you look at it that way there is actually very little to fear at all. Other times you need to step into the darkness confident that when you do you will be able to see a little bit further. What if you do fail? Sometimes we win and sometimes we learn. Each failure can be a stepping stone to the next victory. Fearing failure is a scarcity mindset.


4. Catch the next ship– It’s possible that certain ships really have sailed. It is time to look for the next one. If your dream is to start an 8-track company you could give it a go- that’s a pretty niche market and you may be better suited to consider digital audio or the next wave coming. Richard Branson, a business icon who definitely has an abundance mindset said that “business ideas are like buses, there’s always another one coming”.

Having a scarcity mindset will not help you to accomplish your dreams. Set aside time to make it happen, commit to success and working hard, don’t limit yourself with fearful thinking. Opportunities and ideas are abundant.


Question: I want to know what you do to overcome fear of failure. Leave your comments below or by clicking here.


Also- If you like reading these posts I think you will really enjoy my daily success quote delivered to your email inbox. Sign up here.

New Routines: The Good, the Bad and the….What Do You Think?

This morning I began a new routine. I set my clock a few minutes earlier, hopped out of bed and went running. Now, I am not a runner and the idea of getting up a little earlier (ugh) and running (double ugh) is not my idea of a good time. But I need to do it. After I exercise I always feel invigorated and motivated. I can concentrate better and I accomplish so much more. The actual practice of running frees my mind. Some of my best ideas come during the course of my workout. While running today I was thinking about routines and if they a good thing.


1- When you have a routine you don’t have to think about what you are doing. You can focus your mental energies on other thoughts and brainstorming. When I run my mind is free and my thoughts are free. I am not focused on the action (running) but rather on my writing and work. What can I do better, change or eliminate? (Today I outlined this post)


2- Routines enable you to maximize the benefits of repetition. In the Compound Effect, a book by author Darren Hardy, he writes about the growth (compounding) that happens when small actions or steps are repeated consistently over time. Having a solid routine puts you on the path of consistency.


3- To have a routine you must have a plan. Without the plan your schedule would never be the same and would therefore not be a “routine”. The most important step in creating positive change is deciding to change and then making a plan for that change. Last night as I prepared for today I got out (and dusted off) my running shoes, laid out my clothes and filled up my water bottle. Having a plan put me in control of my day and gave me excitement in anticipating the change.


Disclaimer- I am a big advocate for routine so my cons are more “considerations” when planning your routine not reasons to avoid routines.

1- Remember to keep some variety in your routine to ensure you do not get burned out or injured. A previous routine had me waking up and immediately doing sit-ups. It was a great routine and I was seeing results but it had no variety and after a few months I found my back starting to hurt from the repetition. I needed to change my ab work out – not stop altogether.


2- When we get focused on a routine we may miss or overlook changes that could be improvements. A positive of routine is the ability to focus thoughts on other topics- allow the activity (routine) to run on auto-pilot. But, if we are not careful when we do this we can miss adjustments that would help us. Re-evaluating the routine every so often will keep us fresh, excited and motivated.


3- Finally, do not let the routine rule you. This is your life and you are in charge. Remain flexible in your routine allowing your mind and body to push you down the path of improvement. If you need to change, shake it up or even take a “cheat day” don’t be afraid to adjust your routine.
A lot of my life is becoming routine, my morning wake up, my writing, putting the kids to bed and winding down my day. I have made reviewing the current day and planning the next part of my routine. This keeps me in charge of what I am going to focus on and what I am going to avoid. I think a lot of the positive things that I have been able to accomplish in the past year can be attributed to committing to a positive, well planned routine….. and then going after my dreams.


Question: How about you? Share your thoughts on routine, the good…the bad…. Leave your comments below or by clicking here


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The Power of Physical Activity

I have done a lot of writing on mental activities; thinking and the power of positive thought. I am a huge fan of motivational speaking and inspiration and I love quotes. I am a voracious reader and often have 2-3 books at a time in various levels of completion. I love learning and get really excited about being invited to conferences.

But today I needed an intellectual break. I needed to recharge my mental faculties by spending some time doing some physical activity. A group of guys that I know put together an ice hockey team and we had a game tonight. Boy did I need it. It has been a long time since I spent the day excited and eagerly anticipating the drop of the puck.

I left earlier to the rink than I normally do just to make sure that I wasn’t late and was the first one on the ice. I had a lot of fun and played “ok” but the real benefits are those not found on the ice. There are five immediate benefits I recognized tonight.


1- First- Clearer thoughts. The game changed my focus from my business and all that I have going on at work and by taking that focus away I was able to gain clarity on some of my ideas.


2- Inspired– Nothing like a jog around the block or a quick hockey game to remind you of the great things life offers. When we sit in front of a computer daily we can find ourselves getting a little down. Increasing the heart rate and having fun always leaves me feeling inspired


3- Camaraderie– I do a lot of work on my own and spend a lot of time in the car or responding to emails. Even when I do get the chance to chat with somebody it usually revolves around work topics. Physical activity especially in a group setting or team sport gives you the opportunity to build bonds of friendship, even with competitors; it is a chance to laugh and joke and be friends


4- Smile– I am not a fitness professional and have very little knowledge about the human body and the internal benefits of exercise but I do know that when I exercise I feel better. It makes me happy. I think I read somewhere that exercise triggers some sort of internal bodily chemicals that act as natural drugs giving you a happy feeling. I definitely have experienced that. Win or lose I often come home from a game excited to share and positive in my outlook on life.


5- Relaxed– Probably because I am exhausted but I feel very relaxed right now. I admit today was not a relaxing day. In fact it was quite stressful. But as I sit down to record today’s thoughts I find that I am incredibly relaxed. I am sure that I will sleep very soundly tonight.


Well- we lost. We actually got beat pretty badly and we were out played. It wasn’t even a close game, except 0-0 when it began. We did some things right and did many things poorly but we all had fun. We all benefited from the physical exercise. And now as the team prepares for another day of work we will all be better able to excel and progress because of the power of the physical activity.


Question: What is you favorite stress relieving physical activity? Leave your comments below or by clicking here.


How do you like the new website? A lot of great things are coming soon at Family Before Fortune. Make sure you stay tuned. Sign up for my free newsletter and know when new posts go live.

Use the Gifts that You Have

Ever since my children were newborns I have read to them each night before bed. It is a ritual that I have very much enjoyed over the years. I get to spend time with them and be there as they fade off to sleep.


We have read all sorts of books over the years from Dr. Seuss to princess books, good books to real sleepers, chapter books, picture books and even recently a book with no words (I had to make up a story to go with the pictures- it was actually quite fun).


Tonight I read a story about a race through the jungle with various animals (Jungle Run). The race consisted of an obstacle course and in the beginning the animals scoffed at one young cub who wanted to participate but appeared too small. As the race got under way the cub was left in the back as the larger animals surged ahead.


At the first obstacle, a net close to the ground that the animals had to go under, the cub overtook the larger animals because of her size. The next obstacle was a rope swing. The elephant was too big and fell in but the small cub swung straight across. In the end the cub emerges triumphant and the moral, as I took it, is that we all have special abilities that can help us emerge triumphantly.


Some characteristics that you have that may initially appear negatives but could help you surge to the lead


1-      Quiet– Are you the type that likes to stay back in a conversation, taking it all in. Some may describe you as a little shy? Maybe you have the ability to listen and process conversation and predict outcomes. The art of listening is much understated these days. With the aggressive tell all- sometimes the one who listens best can pick up on things others do not notice.


2-      Humor– Do you have an ability to make people smile or lighten the atmosphere in a room? I am not talking about the class clown who does more to annoy than to entertain. I am also not talking about a standup comic who adds nothing to a conversation except humor. In tense situations it is nice to have someone who can lighten the mood. A person who doesn’t take himself too seriously and is comfortable enough to laugh at his own mistakes.


3-      Imperfect– Do you make mistakes? Of course you do and we all do, but how your react or respond to mistakes can tell a lot about who you are and if people are willing to follow you.


4-      Honest– Can people come to you for honest feedback and advice? Having a reputation as someone who is honest but fair brands you as a leader.


5-      Sympathetic– Do you have the ability to see things from another’s point of view? Even if you do not agree with the other person or if you know that they are definitely wrong, having the ability to see it from their eyes can help you lead.


6-      Humble– Do you recognize your own limitations or graciously accept victory? Being humble and being confident are not mutually exclusive.


At the end of the race in our story above, the cub comes out triumphant because she is able to use her unique situation, her smaller size, as her advantage. We all have abilities that help us come out victorious, even if on the surface those abilities may not appear valuable.


Question: What attributes or abilities do you have that may be understated or dismissed as invaluable? Leave your comment below or by clicking here.


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