Wow! Life can be very stressful. Sometimes I sit and think about all the things I have going on and wonder how (and if) I will ever be able to accomplish it all. Like…. a full time job as a Director of Development that takes a lot of time each day raising over $2M, three kids under age 9 and this new endeavor as a content creator.

Each role has its ebbs and flows of stress. Depending on the day I may be planning a special event or trying not to miss a gymnastics meet or editing a post before the deadline. Obviously organization has been very helpful in keeping each of the plates spinning and letting nothing drop. But, even with my many lists and time management tools I still have experiences where I miss something important and experience a surge of stress.
A few weeks ago my 5 year old was having her very first gymnastics meet. She was sooo excited and practiced all day everyday showing anyone who will pay attention her back bends and cartwheels and whatever else she can do. I was excited for her and couldn’t wait to see her perform.
I want to go to everything my kids are involved in. I want them to know that nothing is more important than they are.
Now, back to the gymnastics story… I had a bunch going on that day at work but made sure I scheduled everything perfectly so I would be finished and back in time. As the hour approached I hopped in the car and took off at an excessive speed trying to make it. The entire drive I was one big stress case. I feared whether I would make it and it stressed me to no end.
Stress happens.
What can we do to minimize or overcome stress when situations beyond our control occur?
1- Honesty- Stress can be created by our concern of what the other person may say or feel. Being honest can reduce stress. Being prepared with their phone number and making a call early is respected and can build your reputation as conscientious and professional
2- Deep breath and stretching- In my office I have one of those office chairs with the switch that allows it to rock back. When I feel the pressure start to build I unlock the switch, hook my hands behind my head, close my eyes, lean back and take some deep breaths. It doesn’t take a lot of time, maybe 5 seconds, but stops the stress before it can even begin.
3- Walk around the block- In stressful situations I need a few minutes alone- away from any people. When stress gets too high, I stand up and take a walk down the street. Just removing myself from the situation coupled with physical activity reduces stress.
4- Jam the tunes- I spend a lot of time lately listening to audiobooks and podcasts. I love the education and motivation they offer. However, when I feel the stress coming on, I kick on the tunes, a few of my favorites with a peppy swift beat and I turn the volume up LOUD. A few of my favorites include “Tonight” by OAR and “Knee Deep” by Zac Brown Band.
5- Get a bite to eat- I have noticed that for me, I tend to get most stressed when I am focused on a project, work uninterrupted for a few hours and do not get a snack or drink of water. As my blood sugar or nutrient levels dip so does my ability to handle stressful situations. When I notice the effect coming on I stop and grab a handful of nuts or a big drink of cold water.
6- Watch something “incredible” or “hilarious” or “incredibly hilarious” on YouTube- If you are like me, you have no shortage of friends emailing you clips from YouTube that are “must views”. Most of the time I do not have/take the time to view them. But, when I find my stress level creeping too high I take a minute and pull one or two of them up and have a chuckle. One of my current favorites is “Dude Perfect” and their amazing trick shots. You can’t help get excited and motivated when you see their excitement.
7- Popcorn and a movie- I do not watch a lot of television and I don’t have a favorite current show. Most of what I watch is a few years dated when it appears on Netflix. When I have had a particularly tough day I pop a bowl of popcorn and throw something on. For me, I have found it important to NOT watch sports when I am trying to alleviate stress. I can watch 2 teams I do not like, playing a sport I’m not particularly interested in, between kids half my age and within 2 minutes I can be passionately for one side and against the other. I’m even crushed when “my team” doesn’t win. I love sports and any sport is amazing and enjoyable to watch, I just don’t watch to alleviate stress.
8- Anything with my wife and kids- Cheesy, I know. Nothing puts smile on my face faster or elevates my stress better than seeing my kids or talking with my wife.
Well, I didn’t make the gymnastics meet on time. I ran in the door just as my daughter’s team was exciting to applause. I sat with my other kids and watched the other teams perform. After the meet my gymnast daughter ran up and gave me a hug. She was so excited, had so much fun and even though I missed her show she was thrilled I came and loved recapping the pictures mom had taken. Stressful? Yes. Life ruining? Hardly.
Question: How do you handle stress in your life? Leave your comments below or by clicking here.
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